Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Wearing Us Down

I worry that the less than savory elements in government and the nursing home industry are at the point of trying to "wear us down."  Fatigue has set in, people are getting "used to" the dying and the devastation.  Many people are tired of it, and they want it to go away.  This is not a time for complacency.  It's a time to sharpen our senses and become aware of what the "enemy" is trying to do.  They're trying to wear us down.  It's not unlike the end of an ironman or any race.  If your opponent shows weakness or fatigue, that's when you surge ahead, regardless of how you feel.  When your opponent is tired, that's when you make your move.  It doesn't matter how you feel, you have to "suck it up" and push forward.

This has been the remarkable thing about what I've gone through over the past two months.  Every day is an adventure in and of itself.  I've worked hard to stay focused and to stay "on point" with whatever I'm working on.  It's been a bit of a challenge, especially the part that has to do with maintaining my own health and well being.  I'm obsessed, and nothing else really matters. But there's a reason, and that reason is that lots of people are dying.  But that's how and why they'll try to wear us down.  I won't let it happen.  It's actually not that hard to stay focused, as crazy things happen every day to remind me of why I'm obsessed with this.

Literally a day doesn't pass where the state or federal government doesn't do something stupid in regards to our response to COVID-19.  If I wanted to chill or take a day off, it's hard to do.  At the same time, it's hard to allow myself to become complacent.  I'll let the other side wear down, and I'll try to surge past them as well work our way to the finish line!

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