Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Journey to Kona Day 31: Tired

In addition to running every day for the last five weeks, I'm now 31 days into writing every day.  I almost went to bed without writing today, but realized that I'd be laying in bed thinking about the fact that I hadn't written.  Five solid weeks of training and I'm tired.  My legs are tired, my right hip/low back is still sore (I had to mash on it with my thumb today during a 3 mile run in order to keep the discomfort to a minimum). Did I say that my legs were tired? I'm flying to Atlanta tomorrow for a four day meeting, and I'll use those four days as an opportunity to rest my body as much as possible.  I say as much as possible, because I'll probably be standing too much (note to self, try to sit whenever possible). I'll also try to work in rest/meditation time each day.  I've only promised myself that I'll run one mile every day (on a hotel treadmill) in order to keep my running streak alive.

If I wake up at an early hour tomorrow, I'll try to put in some additional cycling time before my "enforced" rest period.  My body seems to know that I've done the work and it's time for some recovery.  There's been plenty of stuff going on mentally, and I hope to use the next few days as somewhat of a "break" as well.  We'll see how that goes, especially since I'll be in my work environment, tugging on my workaholic strings.  But I guess that's the challenge I've set for myself.  Did I say that I was tired?  I'm definitely ready for some rest after a very solid five weeks of training.  I did get in a swim this morning, swam 30 minutes without stopping to assess where my swim is, and I was quite happy.  I could have swam another hour and it wouldn't have been a problem, my new tweaks to my stroke are melding in well and I'm feeling quite comfortable in the water.  This gives me something to start working on from a visualization perspective.

Well, I've gotten my daily writing in, time to get some sleep.

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