Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Steady as She Goes

 Today is one of those days that I truly need to get my arms around.  I was feeling tired last night.  It was probably a combination of the past few days and my solid run in warm, humid conditions as well as some residual smoke in the air (I didn't run with a mask yesterday).  I realized that there must have still been some smoke because my nose was a little "out of sorts" last night.  It's interesting, but "allergies" have always been a sign of overtraining for me.  So, when it seems like I'm having more allergy symptoms, I need to pay attention.  I also have a project that MUST get done today.  I delayed it over the weekend due to the legal case, and it will need my thinking and analytical skills.  In fact, that's primarily what it will need, as it is a budget for the grant proposal.  

Getting out on the road first thing this morning has its appeal, but that will add fatigue to my day.  I ran yesterday and realized that I no longer had to be a slave to a goal, to a number, to a streak.  I just have to listen to my body. My body is telling me not to push today and to get my project done. With that, I'll also not be a slave to my blog.  Steady as she goes.

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