Thursday, August 27, 2020

Hanging By a Thread

There are some days that I feel like our country is hanging by a thread.  My focus on the COVID-19 Pandemic has kept me focused, and obsessed, for nearly 6 months.  I try not to mix up my messaging on social media, lest the importance of the fight to protect older adults is lost.  Nevertheless, I can't get away from what is happening around the country.  How can we live in a country where a white police officer can shoot a black man in the back 7 times in front of his three children.  What kind of world is this?  How can we live in a country where a 17 year old can bring an automatic weapon to a protest and shoot innocent people?  That is premeditated murder.  This country is truly hanging by a thread.

I was quite satisfied to hear that professional sports players were boycotting their own games.  It's time.  It's time that we stop playing games and change the system.  It's time that we stop playing games and do the right things for our country.  While I didn't think that outdoor protests were the safest thing to do during COVID-19, I also understood that the people going had a right to protest injustice at the risk of death from a deadly virus.  That was very different from hiding a political rally in an indoor arena with few people wearing masks.  That was a super spreading event that killed Herman Cain.  This country is truly hanging by a thread.

What's next? I shudder to think.  Every day I say that the words uttered by donald trump can not be worse or crazier.  That the republican convention can't be any worse.  Having a few people of color claim that there is no racism in America doesn't change reality.  The best meme I saw yesterday noted that half of the main speakers were trump's family.  They compared it to North Korea.  Point taken.  When trump ran for president I compared him to Adolph Hitler.  I was right.  The question is whether our country can take this punch and remain standing.  I hope so. I pray so.  This country is truly hanging by a thread.

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