Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Journey to Kona Day 85: What's Best For Me

I recently wrote about needing to be "selfish."  My coach "admonished" me, saying thatI needed focus on doing what's best for me.  And why not?  Wouldn't I want the very same thing for the people I love?  Which I why I still have a coach, and the same one for the past 14 years.

The irony is that this concept is fluid.  It doesn't just mean making choices regarding doing things for others rather than for myself, it also speaks to decisions I make for myself.  What do I mean?  I've always been someone who likes to keep busy. I like to have a variety of projects.  I have a number of things that I find "important."  But those very things take up their own time and space in my life.  I've also written recent about priorities.  All of these concepts are merging together and conspiring in my mind to get me to focus on the things that matter to me and what are "best" for me.

Which brings me back to Kona, which is my number one goal and focus for the next 23 weeks.  After that, I can decide what moves into the number one slot!  In the meantime, I'm going to pull out the proverbial brain "rake," and weed out the unnecessary items that fill my day.  Writing a blog isn't one of them!

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