Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Journey to Kona Day 58: Caution

We've been moving for nearly two weeks.  The last two days have been non-stop.  My rib injury seemed better after my chiropractic treatment on Monday, but two days of constant lifting, turning and driving finally took its toll.  Aside from the stabbing intermittent pains and the constant ache, my back muscle were completely locked up.  When I asked my chiropractor if some of my bones were out of alignment, he said that all of them were!  So, I tried hard not to do much of anything the rest of the afternoon and evening, but it's not something that I do well with.

Caution has its place, even for a Type A, goal oriented person like myself.  Tonight is a time for caution, as are the next few days.  Fortunately, I have a meeting to go to this weekend, so my risk will only entail tomorrow morning, when I will be tempted to do too much.  My most important short term ironman goal is Boulder in 9 1/2 weeks, and I'm really hoping to do a ton of cycling next week.  Picking up an extra bag, or squeezing in a workout will not be of much help if it sets me back. Ribs are very tricky, you don't want to mess with them.

I recently joke that I have a bimodal risk profile from a financial perspective.  I hate the stock market, while on the other hand, I've invested in a website entertainment business and a restaurant.  I think that my risk profile in training is not dissimilar.  I can be tempted to push beyond my ability and capability based on my interest in the workout.  Sometimes I'll go to hard, push too many watts, run too fast.  The true conservative training approach will rarely be seen by me.

If I need to lift tomorrow, I'll get help.  Caution is my friend.

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