Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Today, I Start Educating, and Stop Fighting

When I resigned my position as CEO of the largest nursing home chain in California on November 6, 2018, the first thought that I had was that I was done fighting. I felt that for a reason.  I don't like fighting.  It doesn't feel good, and it's not healthy.  My wife has been getting more and more worried about me over the past six weeks, as I've felt the need to fight for older adults throughout the country.

I started this blog in the morning.  It was actually after I was quoted on a local news station regarding an issue I've been fighting for.  Ironically, by the time the day was over, we'd won the battle.  But, I was already onto other battles, with the caveat that I'm not planning to do anymore of the fighting.  I'll let others fight for me.  My job is definitely to educate.  Knowledge is the best way to win a battle.

That's why, today, I start educating, and stop fighting.

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