Thursday, April 23, 2020

Another Day to Prepare

Tomorrow is an important day.  I'll have my chance to once more pass our recommendations on to the California Department of Public Health. I expect them to reject our proposals.  I'm relieved.  They know not what they're doing.  They're incompetent.  But that's not my fault an it's not my problem.  So, tomorrow is the opportunity to demonstrate that we've done everything that we can.  And now, the California government can "own" its own incompetence.

I realized tonight that I'm actually playing a game of chess.  Our move tomorrow is to offer a solution.  The government, if they accept our proposal, would actually allow us to do something that I believe will work.  That would be idea.  However, the ego and arrogance of the government will prevent that from happening.  They'll demonstrate their incompetence by rejecting our proposal. Most likely they'll say that they're not going to reject it, but that they'll somehow incorporate our ideas into their own.  It's rhetoric, but that's to be expected.

One of my mentors has suggested that we not actually put ourselves in a position to be held responsible for anything. The government doesn't actually want to be held responsible for its actions and would rather blame others.  If we don't accept the premise, then we can't be blamed.  And so I prepare.

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