Thursday, November 14, 2019


It struck me yesterday that Bill Taylor and Donald Trump had choices in the 1960's.  Bill Taylor went to Vietnam after graduating in the top 1% of his class at West Point.  Donald Trump got several deferment letters from a doctor alleging bone spurs in order to avoid military service.  Bill Taylor chose a life of government service.  Donald Trump chose a life of making money at all costs to others.

As I watched the proceedings, it became clear to me that Bill Taylor is a man of integrity.  He embodies the concept of speaking truth to power that I wrote about a few days ago.  Donald Trump has no integrity.  He feels it necessary to belittle anyone who disagrees with him, including his own supporters.  Bill Taylor is the definition of loyalty. He is a true patriot who clearly cares about our country and puts that feeling above his own personal goals.  Donald Trump pretends to value the concept of loyalty, except that he is only loyal to two things, money and himself.  If you disagree with him, there is no loyalty.

I have friends who are Trump supporters.  Yes, it's true.  They remain friends because they were my friends before Trump and they will be my friends after Trump.  As I've come to understand their support of Trump, it has become clear that they believe that the ends justify the means.  They also recognize that when it comes to politics and Washington, everything is cloudy.  I don't disagree.  I wish that the Democrats would all act like Bill Taylor.  Stick to the facts.  Avoid the name calling.  It's actually ironic, though, that we complain about Democrats "name-calling," and Donald Trump has made it an art form.

Bill Taylor could retire.  He's 72 years old.  Looking at his resume, there's no evidence that he is part of a "deep state" conspiracy.  Quite the contrary.  He is the type of man and person that we would hope works in our government.  He steadfastly does the work of representing our country.  He speaks truth to power.  In fact, he was critical of President Obama not giving anti-tank missiles to the Ukraine and was complimentary of the Trump administration for doing so.  Bill Taylor speaks truth to power.  Donald Trump speaks power to truth.

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