Monday, January 20, 2020

My Dad's Prostate Cancer Story

My dad sent me his journal entries going back to 1997 today that have comments about his prostate.  I have my work cut out for me.  A document with nearly 44K words to read through and annotate in order to develop a person centered story to tell.

One of my favorite stories to tell is about my patient "Pete." Pete was 88 when the treatment for his prostate cancer was successfully killing the cancer, but also killing him.  After stopping his treatment and putting him on testosterone (a story I've told many times), Pete celebrated his 101st birthday last year.  I haven't spoken to Pete in awhile, and I always wonder when my phone call will be met with a "not in service any longer" response.

It's easy as a Geriatrician to espouse my nihilist views of treatment, but it's much more real when it's my father who's dealing with the medical situation.  Hence, the opportunity.  My dad's journal has ultimately been my own inspiration to blog on a daily basis.  That same journal may become the nidus for an incredible story about my favorite topic, a person centered geriatrics approach to care.  That's the name of the textbook for which I'm editor in chief.  It's been my passion for the last thirty years.  There's no better way to make a point than to tell a personal story.  This could be the ultimate story with a great message.  44K words.  I've definitely got my work cut out for myself!

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