Saturday, August 3, 2019

Journey to Kona Day 179: Moving Forward

This post is not about swimming, biking or running.  It's about life. I was talking last night to a good friend who helped me through my work struggles last year, and I woke up early this morning thinking about those work struggles.  I do suffer from a bit of OCD, so when my brain gets locked into something, it can be hard for it to go away, especially at 3 in the morning.  In some ways, it was important for me to continue to process the struggles I had, but in other ways, it's a realization that it's really time to move forward.  It's funny how our brains like to sometimes pick on things from the past and hold on to them.  Familiarity is a real phenomenon.  But I'd rather let my familiarity be aligned with my ironman training.

It's time for me to move on in many ways.  I don't need to rehash what went wrong.  I don't need to reengage my anger.  I don't need to have regrets.  I want and need to be in the moment and use that moment to move forward.  We all learn from our experiences.  I've learned some new things from last weeks half ironman.  I learned some new things yesterday about the workings of our health care system.  Yes, even I can learn something new about health care!

There's a reason that the sun comes up fresh every day.  It's a reminder that the day is new, and that it's time to move forward.  That even extends to focusing too much on election politics or other things that really have no freshness to them.  The brain needs newness, and that will be my focus for the next month!

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