Friday, February 14, 2020

Valentine's Day

It's Valentine's Day.  I started the day by giving my wife a really nice Valentine's Day card.  We first met over 43 years ago, and have been married for 37 3/4 years.  That's a lot of Valentine's Days.  I have to say that the best part of today was spending time with our grandson and giving him a Valentine's Day card.  When I watch my wife play with him, it brings me so much joy.  Whatever health issues she's dealing with, she's able to ignore them whenever she's with him.  The impact of a grandchild is remarkable.  I feel it too.  There's something akin to the fountain of youth that a grandchild brings.

Love is a special feeling.  The love for a spouse.  The love for a child.  The love for a grandchild. I'm quite fortunate to have a lot of love in my life.  Valentine's Day is a reminder of that love.  I'm reminded of that moment nearly 43 1/2 years ago when I first laid eyes on my wife.  I knew immediately that I was in love.  I don't know how, but love works in strange ways. I've been blessed to have had this love for all these years, and even more fortunate to have had the love of two wonderful daughters and now a grandson.  There's nothing that comes close in life.

Valentine's Day is a reminder of what's important to me.  I continue to work on prioritizing the things that matter to me.  There's nothing that matters more than love.  That should be the very first thing too prioritize.  While I have other things that bring me meaning and purpose, they all pale in comparison to my family.  That's what I'm thinking about on Valentine's Day

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