Saturday, June 29, 2019

Journey to Kona Day 144: More Politics

I got to listen to a press conference with President Trump today, he was in Japan for the G-20.  There is clearly a new reality in our political world.  For some reason, he can answer questions with no concern about either meaning or veracity and it just sounds normal!  I used to like listening to political commentary and discussions, and I think that this is spoiling it for me.  I'm not really sure what any of this means.  Having our president boast that he gets along with everybody, even, or especially, dictators was perhaps the most remarkable part of the press conference.  It's true, in a weird way, which has always been his dichotomy.  He speaks the truth that he believes, whether it's actually true or not, but he comes across as truthful.  Thus is the manner of a sociopathic narcissist.  The world revolves around them and nothing anyone says or does changes that.

Of course, listening to Trump talk generally gives me flashbacks to my last job.  I'm going to avoid going in that direction.

Tomorrow is a running day.  I've pretty much rested this week, or rather for the last 4-5 days, since putting in a very intensive short block of training.  Time for a long run.  I tend to ponder all sorts of things on long runs, or sometimes I just meditate.  We'll see what happens.

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