Sunday, March 24, 2019

Journey to Kona Day 49: Struggling

Another day of moving today, and another day of struggling with my own personal demons.  Ever since I stuck my neck out trying to make a difference in my last job, and got my neck chopped off, I've had my ups and downs.  The stress of moving and owning two houses at once has managed to overwhelm my ability to compensate like I normally would.  Sometimes I wake up feeling ok, other times I don't.  But then, something happens to throw me off, and I decompensate.

My usual ability to compare life to ironman seems to be escaping me as of late.  I guess that I'm only human.  I know that once I move everything will be fine, and I just need to get there.  In the meantime, meditation continues to be my best friend.  In writing about ironman, I also realize how I haven't been visualizing my next ironman lately.  That's usually one of my methods for maintaining some level of equanimity, while preparing for my next race, and keeping my positive focus on training.

My rib is almost better, my legs are feeling fine, and I'm starting to think about the most important aspect of my ironman training, which is getting in significant cycling volume.  Once we move, I'll have plenty of opportunities to ride in my new neighborhood.  And hopefully, I will have gotten beyond my present struggles.

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