Friday, December 20, 2019

Just one word.

I pasted my last blog onto a social media post.  There's always a bit of a risk in doing something like that.  I haven't completely scrubbed my FB family to assure that I don't get into political discussion with people of different views.  FB is an interesting platform.  I use it primarily to keep up with my friends and family.  I have friends from my past life, I have friends from my triathlon and running lives.  I have friends from work.  We don't all see things the same way, but we tend to be civil with one another and we certainly care.  I find myself using the "heart" emoji more often than not.  I sometimes use the "sad" one.  I enjoy using the "happy" one!

Today's political environment lends itself to disagreement.  I have always prided myself on being able to talk to anyone of any political persuasion.  I often try to see things from all sides and when I write politically oriented commentary, I really try to keep it balanced.  What frustrates me is when people pick on one word or one sentence in an entire blog that has a different, and balanced conclusion.  I usually avoid getting in a back and forth with anyone, but I think that I understand why something like this triggers me.

I'll never forget the day the my boss, picked up a letter from another doctor, complaining about our geriatric clinic's wait time.  It was just one small complaint, surrounded by a lot of other good things. I held my own in response.  But I've encountered this behavior before, usually when dealing with bullies.  They pick one thing, one word, one action, and go after it like a dog going after a bone. They ignore the totality of everything else surrounding the one thing, so as to distract from the truth.

Anyway, I couldn't let this response go.  I replied, and replied, and replied again.  Hopefully, I'm done with the replies.  I generally ignore these types of things, but when someone picks on just one word, no, I won't let it go.

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