Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Journey to Kona Day 99: Having Fun

I’ve spent the last three days traveling to Jackson, Mississippi and Louisville, Kentucky on “business.”  I know that I’m retired, but I’ll never absolve myself of my passion to help older adults.  In my retirement, I’ve been mentoring several young geriatricians, and this has given me great joy.  My trips over the past few days have been related to my mentoring.  I love to tell people, that while I’m sure that I teach these young doctors a thing or two, it is I that probably learns the most from them!  

I’ve never been shy about sharing my thoughts and opinions, and it’s really nice to be in a position and place in life where others are asking me to share.  It is an honor and a privilege to be able to do so.  What good is knowledge if it stays locked up in your brain?  So, here I find myself, having fun.  At the end of the day, it has to be about having fun.  I can’t take myself too seriously, or make my goals and aspirations too serious.  That’s a tall task for me, but in the spirit of setting a high bar, it’s time for me to set this bar high!

Fun means different things to different people.  I have fun running for three hours the day after I’ve ridden a bike 100 miles.  I have fun digging deep to run at the end of an ironman, despite feeling like I might pass out.  My wife and kids don’t get that, but they don’t have to, it’s who I am.  At the same time, I have fun thinking and trying to figure out how to make complex systems work more effectively.  It’s why I’ve always enjoyed the field of geriatrics.  Frail older adults are the most complex and challenging patient’s that physicians have ever encountered.  Figuring out how to help them have the greatest quality of life and function is the kind of challenge that I love to have.  

I’ve definitely had fun the last few days.  My meeting in Mississippi was with people who I respect and who are trying to make a difference.  That’s always the most fun, when I have the opportunity to brainstorm with good people who are also excited by challenging problems.  My meeting today in Kentucky exceeded my expectations.  I was there because of someone whom I truly believe in, someone I think can make a difference in the care of older adults.  If I can provide some small measure of help and support, it truly brings me joy.  The pleasant surprise, although it really shouldn’t have been a surprise, was that he is working with some incredible people in an environment that supports the concepts and values that matter to me.  I have know idea what may come from this trip, and in the ironman spirit of living life in the moment, I don’t really care.  I enjoyed what I did today!

I’m flying home, ready to immerse myself in my ironman training with less than four weeks to go before Ironman Boulder.  The projects that I opened myself up to give me something to think about during long bikes and runs.  Embracing those moments and appreciating the fun that I can have with whatever I’m doing will continue to be my number one priority.

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