Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Journey to Kona Day 194: Harry B. Doyle, RIP

I just discovered that this blog didn't get published, it remained in draft form.  So, here it is.  And, it was a meaningful one.  I'm going to also take the opportunity to ask whomever reads this blog, or any of my other daily "Journey to Kona" blogs, to send me an email at wassdoc@aol.com.  I'm interested in knowing who has been following me on this journey.

During my run on Thursday at Cherry Creek State Park, I stopped at the bench honoring Harry.  He was an older runner at our track club, and he was faster than me.  He moved out of state, and the next year we’d learned that he had passed away.  It turns out that he died on my birthday, during a race, in 2004. Harry was one of those guys who was a natural ambassador for running. You just enjoyed being around him.  I remember hearing that he had died and was both saddened and taken aback.  I didn’t know at the time that it occurred during a race.  In many ways, that’s the way it should be.

Sitting on Harry’s bench, all I could think about was making the most of ones time.  How we spend our time on this earth matters.  It’s an interesting question as to what matters.  Lately, I find that I spend too much time feeling both annoyed and upset by what I read and hear in the media.  While my passion, which I’ve blogged about, leads me to respond on social media, how useful and effective is that time?  The ease to which information is available today might actually lead to being too up to date.  There isn’t a need to respond immediately to everything I see and hear.

I took a photo sitting on Harry’s bench.  I know that I can be a good ambassador for exercise, and that’s definitely something that I enjoy.  I will do my best to carry on positively and effectively in the spirit of Harry B. Doyle.

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